Look below to see if we answered a question you might have. If we missed anything, call or email us!
Four easy steps!
1) Submit an intake form online
2) Meet our intake coordinator to schedule an evaluation
3) Attend a video call with our diagnostician for 3-5 hours to be evaluated
4) Receive a full report within 1-2 weeks and a personalized plan for next steps!
The evaluation will take 1-2 hours depending on your or your child’s needs. It will be done by one of our highly qualified psychologists and you will then have a report provided within 1-2 weeks. The psychologist will sit down with you to explain the report and answer any questions you might have!
Once your appointment is scheduled you will be asked to provide any materials that might be helpful for your psychologists. This includes any reports, medical records, other relevant documentation, videos, etc. The evaluation will involve the psychologist observing your child play with toys (please have their favorites nearby), communication, and general interaction.
Yes! We do take commercial plans with Cigna, BCBS, Aetna, and UnitedHealthcare. We also have a cash-pay option of a flat rate of $1,500 (payment plans available!) and we can provide a superbill in case you would like to request reimbursement. We are always working on getting in-network with more insurances and will post updates on our homepage.
Yes- absolutely!
Yes! We have care concierges that are ready to answer any questions you have as you move to the next step in your autism journey. This could be finding a great ABA provider, speech therapist, and/or occupational therapist if your area, giving you second opinions on treatment plans, providing helpful resources, and answering any questions you might have. Our blog has some great helpful content as well!
Yes! We are happy to help fill out forms. Given that they can be time consuming for our providers we charge a flat rate of $30/form.
An Autism Diagnosis in 4 Easy Steps
Step 1.
(~8 min)
Step 2.
Connect with a care provider to schedule an evaluation
(~5 min)
Step 3.
Get a high-quality evaluation from home
(~1-2 hr)
Step 4.
Meet with your diagnostician for a debrief call and next steps
(~30 min)